Included with the latest update to Hide My Site Multipass, you now have at your disposal a global $multipass object which allows you to access the users password data in your php code. Here is an example of how you can access the object within your php code:
global $multipass; echo $multipass->id; //prints the password id echo $multipass->label; //prints the password label echo $multipass->password; //prints the password text echo $multipass->getlevel; //prints the password access level echo $multipass->neverexpires; //prints whether the password is set to never expire echo $multipass->month; //prints the expiration month echo $multipass->day; //prints the exp. day echo $multipass->year; //prints the exp. year echo $multipass->hour; //prints the exp. hour echo $multipass->minute; //prints the exp. minute |
Examples uses With the user’s password data available,…