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wordpress spacer

Spacer: Line-On-Sides Headers Add-On


The ultimate header add-on for Spacer has arrived. Create headers that really stand out with the new Spacer add-on, Line-On-Sides Headers. You can easily customize the font size, line color, and line styles for your headers. Available line styles include solid line, double line, dotted line, and more! For an in depth walk-through of how to implement…

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Add divider line in WordPress

This fleuron breaks up the text nicely. It was created with the Visual Artist add on

This tutorial will outline in brief how to add divider lines in WordPress. Divider lines are also known as section breaks, line breaks, spacers, thought breaks, paragraph breaks, chapter breaks, and can go by many other names as well. In fact, one option that you have is to use the Horizontal line button in the…

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Spacer: Visual Artist Add-On

Visual Artist

This add-on for Spacer gives you even more control over the look and feel of your text. You can now create beautifully styled visual elements, design fancy dividers, incorporate rich colors and even company logos, all without mastering css! What can you do with Visual Artist? With Visual Artist, using Spacer to create fancy dividers is easy. You…

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This WordPress plugin adds a spacer button to the WYSIWYG visual editor which allows you to add precise custom spacing between lines in your posts and pages. Note that you can also enter negative spacing to shift the following content upwards. NEW What are fancy dividers? Starting in version 3, you can create an arsenal of…

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