How to Set Page Url in WordPress (With Pictures)

Learn how to set page url in WordPress – A tutorial for beginners to learn how to edit the URL on your posts and pages. With easy to follow pictures.
Change Admin Username WordPress

Change Admin Username WordPress This security tip is intended to protect your WordPress site from a malicious threat known as brute force attacks. What is a brute force attack? Good question. A brute force attack is a method where a hacker will try to gain access to your site by entering in a long list of…
Customize Menus in WordPress – Beginner’s Guide (With Screenshots)

This beginner’s tutorial is intended to teach you how to customize menus in WordPress. It assumes no knowledge on your part, beyond the fact that you have thus far managed to set up our own WordPress site.
WordPress Add Allowed File Types

The WordPress media uploader is a great tool that allows you to easily include images, videos, documents, and audio on your site. One of the security features associated with the WordPress media uploader is that you are only allowed to upload specific file types. This WordPress Add Allowed File Types tutorial will show you how you can include additional filetypes in your list of allowed uploadable files.
Cursor Control – A WordPress Custom Cursor Plugin

Cursor Control is a WordPress custom cursor plugin which allows you to easily upload any image, for example your website logo, as your default site cursor. You can also use it to control the cursor image for links and buttons, as well as for text inputs.
Add Class to Body WordPress

Here is a quick snippet you can use to programmatically add a class to the body element in WordPress.
WP Google Fonts

WP Google Fonts is a plugin that makes it easy to embed Google fonts on your WordPress site. Having used it on multiple sites I can testify that it works seamlessly. The plugin is developed by Adrian Hanft and can be downloaded for free from the WordPress plugin directory. How to Use it You should first…
Smart Recent Comments

When you set up a new blog there aren’t any comments to start off with–it takes time until you get your first real person to participate in the discussion. When you use the default recent comments widget in WordPress you are left with a ‘recent comments’ title in your sidebar and no comments listed under…