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How to associate passwords with distinct purchases using Hide My Site Multipass

The Problem

Recently I got a question from a user who wants to associate passwords with distinct purchases. The question asked was “Will I be able to track the ‘purchase’ to the password? My plan involves using passwords to associate sales with the salesperson, ie the password.”

The Solution

It turns out, this is fairly easy to set up. Note that you will have to be using Hide My Site Multipass  in order to follow along with this tutorial. For the sake of example, let’s say that you have two salespeople, and that each sales person has sold two products. This means that each salesperson will have two passwords associated with them.

So in all, that would make four passwords:

Salesperson 1

Password 1
Password Label: Salesperson 1 A
Password: uniquepassword1

Password 2
Password Label: Salesperson 1 B
Password: uniquepassword2

Salesperson 2

Password 3
Password Label: Salesperson 2 A
Password: uniquepassword3

Password 4
Password Label: Salesperson 2 B
Password: uniquepassword4

In your WordPress admin > Settings > Hide My Site > Passwords, this is how that would look:


And here is how the log ins will be recorded in the log (WordPress admin > Settings > Hide My Site > Logs)


This way, you are able to tell that Salesperson 2 is associated with the first login, and that Salesperson 1 is associated with the second login. The letter B used in the password label “Salesperson 2 B” is intended to be a unique identifier for the sale, but you can use whatever you want instead. For example, You might prefer to use an order number or customer name instead, if that helps you more easily recognize the purchase in your records. Here are some other ideas for password labels that you might use:

  • Password Label: Salesperson 2 40052564 (in this example, 40052564 is the order number)
  • Password Label: Salesperson 2 Johnson (in this example, Johnson is the customer’s last name)
  • Password Label: Salesperson 2 Johnson-40052564 (in this example, Johnson is the customer last name and 40052564 is the order number)

Thanks for taking the time to follow along with this tutorial. I hope you find it helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions or other feedback in the comments.


The headers (The Solution, etc...) and dividers on this post were proudly made with Visual Artist
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Author: justin saad

Justin Saad is first and foremost a husband and a father of four. He is also a web developer and designer who has been making websites for over twenty years. His company is called The Motech Network and his website is In addition to building websites, Justin makes WordPress plugins and likes writing tutorials to help others learn about various aspects of web development.

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